Privacy Policy

Privacy Protection Policy and Online Access

Crop Year 2024-2025

Richardson International Limited, Richardson International (Quebec) Limited, Richardson Pioneer Limited, Westmor Terminals Inc., Tri-Lake Agri Limited (collectively, "Richardson") recognize the importance of personal privacy and strive to protect personal information that we collect from our customers in accordance with our obligations under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act ("PIPEDA") and any other provincial privacy legislation applicable to our business.  Richardson also recognizes its obligations under Canadian Anti-Spam legislation and ensures the compliance of its electronic communications with our customers.

Personal information that you provide to Richardson in the course of business dealings, including your name, company name (if any), associated entities or related persons, address, email address, telephone number and information about your purchase(s) of crop inputs from Richardson and/or your sale(s) of grain and other harvested crops to Richardson may be collected, retained, used and disclosed for any or all of the following purposes:

(i)          to administer and carry out any contract between you and Richardson;

(ii)         to comply with applicable laws;

(iii)        to market, purchase and sell crop inputs, grain or other harvested crops;

(iv)       for insurance purposes;

(v)        for credit reporting, analysis and investigation;

(vi)       to allow Richardson or its suppliers to notify you of important information about products that you have purchased;

(vii)       for disclosure to third parties in accordance with your direction, your contractual obligations to third parties, or in connection with verification, protection and enforcement of contractual or intellectual property rights;

(viii)      to create and maintain an on-line account for you on our website or within the CropWatch portal which enables you to access and view your account information, contracts and other documents with Richardson, electronically;

(ix)       to enable you to sign contracts and other documents with Richardson by electronic signature;

(x)        to create, maintain and update customer databases and facilitate market analysis;

(xi)       to provide you with offers for other Richardson products or services;

(xii)       for use in Richardson's customer loyalty programs and direct marketing services;

(xiii)      for disclosure to Richardson's affiliated companies, suppliers, co-venturers and business partners for any of the foregoing purposes; and

(xiv)     to facilitate customer identification and customer grouping for Richardson's suppliers' rebate and incentive programs, and to combine customer information for reporting and rebate purposes.

The use of your personal information for the purposes described in (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi) and (vii) (also including (xiii) as it relates to these purposes) (the “Essential Purposes”) is mandatory in order to allow Richardson to administer contracts that it enters into with you. If you have signed-up and been approved by Richardson for an on-line account on our website or within the CropWatch portal, then the purpose described in (viii) is also an Essential Purpose. If you have requested and been granted the right to sign contracts and other documents with us electronically on our website or within the CropWatch portal, the purpose in (ix) is also an Essential Purpose.  If you consent to Richardson’s use of your personal information with respect to the purposes described in (x), (xi), (xii) and (xiv), (also including (xiii) as it relates to these purposes) (the “Non-Essential Purposes”), please check the box below. Note that if you or any related or associated person unchecks this box it may render you ineligible to receive rebate or incentive programs based on bulk purchases, buying groups or households.

Communications with you which use electronic communications, may require your consent, and may also require Richardson to provide you with certain information, such as contact information. Richardson may use electronic communications to give you notifications about your contracts, pick-ups and deliveries, Richardson programs and products and other matters relating to your business. Richardson may use email, instant messages, text message, in-app notifications or any other form of telecommunication to communicate with you using the contact information you have provided. You can unsubscribe from commercial electronic messages at any time.

Certain types of electronic messages (such as text messages) do not by their nature permit Richardson to provide all of the information you are entitled to receive within the body of the message. By signing this acknowledgment, you agree that you have, and are deemed in each commercial electronic message to receive all of the information contained in this consent, as well as the option to unsubscribe. You can always contact Richardson by replying to any electronic message you receive from us and can give us notice to unsubscribe.

If you would like us to communicate with any other person, you confirm to Richardson that you have received such person’s consent for Richardson to use commercial electronic messages to contact them.

The ability to use electronic communications to contact you is important to provide you with information in a timely manner. Some services are offered exclusively through electronic communications. If you do not allow electronic communications to be sent to you, you may not be receiving information from Richardson in the most timely manner or may be unable to receive certain services that are provided through electronic communications. If you consent to Richardson using electronic communications with you, please check the box below.

Even if you uncheck the box not to receive electronic communications, if you access and use an on-line account on our website or within the CropWatch portal, you acknowledge that you may still receive electronic communications from Richardson to the extent that they relate to your access and use of our website or portal.

Online Access

If you have an on-line account on our website or within the CropWatch portal, personal information about you will be available by accessing your account with your account login  and confidential password, and you are solely responsible for ensuring that no one else obtains or uses your confidential account credentials to access or use your account, except for those individuals specifically authorized by you to do so.  Richardson is not responsible for unauthorized access or use by any other person of your confidential account credentials to access personal information about you through any on-line account you have on the Richardson website or within the CropWatch portal. Full terms and conditions relating to your online account and terms of access are available on the Richardson website or CropWatch portal.

Each time you access your account on our website or CropWatch portal by using your secure customer login and confidential password (your “authorized account credentials”), you are representing to, and agreeing with, Richardson that you are the grower delivering or contracting to deliver grain to one or more of our Ag Business Centres or purchasing crop inputs from one or more of our Ag Business Centres and to whom account credentials have been assigned and that all information provided to us by you (including in any application form or account opening documentation delivered to us by you or in any fillable form completed by you on our website or within the CropWatch portal) is and will be true, correct and complete in all respects and at all times and that you will notify us promptly if any of that information changes.  You agree that each time you log into your account, you will verify your account information, including your contact details and our Ag Business Centre designated as your local elevator, and will notify us promptly if any of the account information is incomplete or inaccurate.

You understand that through your online account you will have the ability to receive contracts and other documents (each, a “Richardson Document”) from us by e-mail, other electronic communications or by accessing your account on our website or CropWatch portal using your secure authorized account credentials. You consent to your receipt of Richardson Documents electronically from us and to other electronic communications.

You understand that access to our website or CropWatch portal is provided by the confidential password you establish for your account  (your authorized account credentials), and therefore, that knowledge of your authorized account credentials by any other person may result in that person being able to access your account information on our website or CropWatch portal (including Richardson Documents posted to your account).  We are expressly authorized by you to allow access to your account on our website or CropWatch portal to, and (where you have requested and been granted the right to sign Richardson Documents electronically) to accept Electronic Signatures from, anyone using your authorized account credentials or anyone authorized to access the account. We are entitled to assume without enquiry that anyone accessing your account with your authorized account credentials is you or has been authorized by you to carry out these actions, including, where you have requested and been granted such right, any Electronic Signatures on Richardson Documents effected on your account. You understand and agree that maintenance of the security of access to your account on our website or CropWatch portal (including the strict confidentiality of your authorized account credentials) is your sole responsibility. You agree to maintain reasonable and appropriate security precautions, including without limitation, ensuring that your authorized account credentials are known only to you and to persons specifically authorized by you to access and use your account, and are not made available to any other person, and changing your password as needed to preclude any other person from accessing your account on our website or CropWatch portal. You agree to give us immediate notice of any unauthorized access to your account or to your authorized account credentials by email to You also agree that you will not access or try to access restricted areas of our computer system or perform or try to perform functions that are not authorized. If we reasonably suspect that you are doing so or that you are using your authorized account credentials on our website or CropWatch portal in any inappropriate manner, we may, without notice and without prejudice to any other remedies available to us, suspend or terminate access to your account on our website or portal. Your authorized account credentials remain our sole property and may be suspended or terminated by us at any time without notice or liability to you or to any other person. You specifically agree to indemnify and hold harmless Richardson and all of its subsidiaries and affiliates, and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents, from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities and costs incurred by Richardson or by any subsidiary or affiliate thereof, or by you, arising out of or in respect of any unauthorized use of your account by you or persons authorized by you.

You are responsible to ensure that you have the necessary hardware, software, and access to internet necessary to use your account on our website or CropWatch portal. This includes, without limitation, Adobe Acrobat Reader or equivalent for PDF files. You understand that data and information transmitted over the Internet or through the app can be lost or subject to errors that result in it not arriving exactly in the form it was sent or intended to arrive in. We are not responsible in any manner for direct, indirect, special or consequential damages, howsoever caused, arising out of your use of our website or CropWatch portal, including any damages you may suffer if you transmit confidential or sensitive information to us or if we communicate such information to you over the Internet or through the app. You acknowledge and accept that our website or CropWatch portal may be unavailable from time to time due to maintenance or unanticipated circumstances.  We will not be responsible or liable for any loss, error or transmission or communication failure.

You acknowledge that access to your account, and the website or CropWatch portal is in English only. You have expressly agreed that this Agreement and all related documents be drafted in English. Vous avez expressément requis que les présentes et tout document y affèrent soient rédigés en langue anglaise.

Our policy on dealing with your personal information and any electronic communications with you in the context of the Essential Purposes and Non-Essential Purposes, as set out above, should be read and understood as supplemental to our general Privacy Policy (available for review at If there is any conflict between the terms of this policy and our Privacy Policy as it relates to the Essential Purposes and Non-Essential Purposes, this policy shall prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.

Any general questions that you may have with respect to this Privacy Protection and Online Access Policy or the sending of commercial electronic messages may be directed in person to the Richardson location with which you do business, by replying to the electronic message which you received, via mail to: Privacy Compliance and Data Protection Officer, c/o Legal Department, 2800 – One Lombard Place, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 0X8, or by email to

I authorize Richardson to collect, retain, use, and disclose the personal information for the Essential Purposes listed above. If you consent and authorize Richardson to collect, retain, use, and disclose the personal information for the Non-Essential Purposes listed above, please check the box below.

I authorize Richardson to send electronic communications to the electronic address(es) provided to Richardson. I confirm that each account has received, and that each electronic communication will be deemed to contain, the name of the person sending it, Richardson’s legal name and mailing address, the phone number or email address of the person sending it, and the notice that I may cease receiving electronic messages by replying to the sender and requesting that I be unsubscribed from the message list.

If I give Richardson any electronic address to use in connection with electronic communications or otherwise as part of my contact information or the contact information of any third party, I confirm that I have the authority to provide such electronic address to Richardson, and that the holder of such address has consented to receive electronic communications from Richardson in connection with my business, and has acknowledged receiving the contact information and unsubscribe information which Richardson has provided to me.

I understand that my denial of consent to allow Richardson to use my personal information for such Non-Essential Purposes may disqualify the accounts with which I am associated with from participation in customer loyalty, rebate or incentive programs offered by Richardson or its suppliers. I understand that I may also be disqualified from participation in rebate or incentive programs offered for bulk purchases, buying groups or households if any person who is related to or associated with me denies their consent to use their personal information for the Non-Essential Purposes. I understand that failing to consent to receiving electronic communications, or unsubscribing from electronic communications may result in not receiving information from Richardson in a timely manner or not being capable of receiving certain services provided exclusively through electronic communications. This consent to the use of my personal information and to receiving electronic communications shall continue in force and effect until terminated by giving notice in writing to Richardson.